Renovated Ellsworth Place Fully Leases Anchor Spaces Ahead of Fall 2016 Grand Reopening

SILVER SPRING, Md. (June 9, 2016) – Petrie Richardson Ventures (PRV) and Rockwood Capital, the owner developers of Ellsworth Place retail center in downtown Silver Spring, announced today full lease-up of all anchor tenant spaces in the fully renovated Ellsworth Place (formerly City Place Mall).

Hillary Clinton to Host Campaign Event at The Hibernia Bank Tomorrow, May 26

SAN FRANCISCO (May 25, 2016) – Dolmen Property Group, a San Francisco-based real estate developer, announced today that presidential candidate Hillary Clinton will hold an organizing event at the recently renovated Hibernia Bank, a nationally recognized historical landmark and one of the City's most celebrated architectural gems.

Tarlton Properties Medical Device Startup Takes 10K Sq. Ft. in Menlo Business Park After Acquisition

MENLO PARK, Calif. (May 18, 2016) – Tarlton Properties, Inc. (TPI), a commercial property development and asset manager, and Principal Real Estate Investors announced today that AtheroMed, which was originally acquired in 2014 by Volcano Corporation and acquired in 2015 by Royal Philips, expanded their current lease from approximately 6,700 square feet at TPI’s Menlo Labs’ 1455 Adams Drive building to approximately 10,000 square feet at 1530 O’Brien Drive in Menlo Business Park.

Bipartisan Lobbying Firm Van Scoyoc Associates Moving to The Wharf

WASHINGTON, D.C. (MAY 6, 2016) – Hoffman-Madison Waterfront, the master developer of the world-class mixed-use waterfront community The Wharf, today announced that Van Scoyoc Associates Inc., one of Washington’s top lobbying firms, signed a long-term lease at 800 Maine Avenue for 21,000 square feet of space.